To The Victor Goes the Spoils -Snippet Sunday

It’s Snippet Sunday, when participating writers share 8-10 sentences from their work in progress! Check out more snippets from fellow authors at

I’m alternating snippets between here and the blog for my *other pen name.*

I have another snippet from Visions, my very first novel which will soon be relaunched as a free read.  This snippet has been edited to fit the snippet format. A quick synopsis:

A movie star becomes a real-life hero…

Actor Trenton Dane is researching his next role when he bumps into a beautiful stranger—and suddenly develops her psychic powers. She disappears in the crowd, but they must find one another again for Trenton  to fulfill premonitions of their future as well as to save Glory and her child from danger. He will fail at one of these tasks.

Setup for the snippet: Last time, Trenton spotted his mystery woman at the movie premiere and asked the manager to escort her to him. We finished with:

“You ran out on me,” he said.

“I wouldn’t say I ran,” she said, tipping up her delicate chin. “It was more of a hastily executed saunter.”

Let’s pick up from there…

“I at least deserve to know the name of the victor who left me as spoils for a group of rather untamed young maidens,” Trenton said, referring to her getaway tactic of calling out his name in public to attract a swarm of fans.

Her translucent complexion warmed. “Well, yes, I suppose I did do that…and it’s Glory.”

“Don’t go rubbing your victory in my face,” he said with a grin.

Her laugh thrilled through him, doing a little spin through his abdomen before rushing down his legs. “I mean my name is Glory.”

The electric burners on her cheeks were now fully ablaze, and her eyes darted toward the exit as though she were considering another hasty exit.

“So,” he said to head that off, “you’re coming to the after party.”

“No…I didn’t know there was one,” she said, those sparkling green eyes widening.

“You do now.”

…What do you think?

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