Bits and Bobs for April 2017

Bits and Bobs is my monthly update featuring personal tidbits and writing news.

Bits and Bobs for April…

What a crazy month it’s been! You may be aware that my romance novel, Visions (the 10th anniversary special edition) officially released, and it’s free for all readers!  It climbed the charts to #27 in Contemporary/Romance and the top 150 in Romance/Contemporary (I know, that sounds confusing!), which was a very exciting moment indeed. Check it out:

Visions in print and ebook

I’m so stoked! I’ve also been busy with my next book, doing some light edits and fiddling with Almost the Bride. Plus I enlisted the aid of a fellow writer to swap first chapter beta reads.  It’s always a bit nerve wracking to have someone put your hard work under a microscope, but I love having the feedback to help improve.

In other news, I mentioned our new puppy in last month’s update. “Tina” is all settled in,  although we still can’t all agree on a permanent name (Tina was what the shelter called her).  We’ve learned all sorts of things about our little rescue. She’s afraid of the dark, both indoors and out. She’s somewhat night blind (which probably contributes to the fear). She pulls on a leash like a freight train, barks at just about everything, and she’s not *quite* housebroken. She’s also the cutest little bundle of goofball energy, makes me feel like a rock star when I come home from work and she’s mega happy, and her warm puppy nuzzles are the sweetest thing ever. Training has begun in earnest to help civilize our resident Eliza Doolittle, and I’m exhausted! It’s like having a newborn and toddler rolled into one.

I also may or may not be going a little overboard shopping online for puppy accessories. My husband says she’s the only puppy he knows who, at only 5 months, already understands that any package that comes in the mail is addressed to her. (You should see how excited she gets when the little parcels come in!)

Enjoying her latest mail delivery: a piggy chew toy

Pop Sugar Reading Challenge Progress:

I read plenty this month, but sadly none of it counted toward the challenge! Mostly more puppy care/training manuals, plus I’m in still in the middle of The Wild Wood by Julie Anne Nelson. I also just got my preorder copy of Coilhunter, a Steampunk/Sci-fi that might earn me another check mark come next update.

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