Tag: NaNoWriMo

NaNo Day 2: Shut In, Not Write In

The National Novel Writing challenge, aka NaNoWriMo, is underway! I’ll be posting daily progress updates on Always the Bride, Book 1 of the Going to the Altar series! Day 2 I was looking forward to attending the first local write-in for this year’s NaNo. It was tonight at a coffee place I like. Alas, as much as I wanted to go,… Read more →

Top 4 Reasons Why I Love NaNoWriMo

This is my NaNoversary: my 10th year participating! Such a landmark event has me reflecting on the phenomenon of NaNoWriMo, and what brings me back year after year. Of the many benefits I’ve found in taking part, I’ve found there are four top reasons why I love NaNoWriMo.   Top Four Reasons I Love NaNoWriMo: 1. NaNoWriMo Gives Me the… Read more →