Unrealized Ambition -Snippet Sunday

It’s Snippet Sunday, when participating writers share 8-10 sentences from their work in progress! Check out more snippets from fellow authors at http://wewriwa.com.

Happy holidays! I’ve scheduled today’s snippet in advance in order to spend time with family, but I’ll definitely find a few minutes to cozy up with some coffee to read folks’ snippets!  I will be taking next week off for the holiday and to focus on plans for the new year. Meanwhile…

…another snippet from Always the Bride for you. A quick synopsis:

Sometimes, ulterior motives can lead to true love…

Helping with her boss’s wedding plans is the last thing jilted bride Elizabeth needs after hiding away for months to lick her wounds. Handsome photographer Grant might lure her heart out of seclusion-but can he be trusted? His motives for wooing the stubborn beauty involve her ex-fiancee’s revenge…and a reward that will fund college tuition for his troubled little sister. How can they get to I Do’s when Grant’s plan involves leaving her at the altar? Or has his plan-and his heart-changed?

Last week, Elizabeth’s boss, Georgia, realized her dog’s rescuer was the wedding photographer Grant Denver. She asked him to shoot her wedding at any price. We finished with:

His deep stare thankfully shifted back to Georgia, and something flickered in his gaze. “I’d need payment in advance.”

I’ve skipped ahead to the next scene. Grant settled for ten thousand to shoot Georgia’s event, and he’s confident this amount added to what he’s already booked will cover his wish to help his sister. Let’s pick up from there…

Grant was about to celebrate his fortune by phoning his little sister when her image popped up on an incoming call. “Hey, Sammy, I’ve got good news.”

“Then you should definitely go first,” she said, sounding wary.

“I’ve scored a few wedding gigs that should cover your tuition.”

There was a pause. “You landed seventy thousand dollars in one day?”

He almost dropped the phone. “Seventy…as in seven-zero?”

“But that’s for the year, including books and housing.”

His good mood evaporated in the knowledge that unless his new puppy-wielding client had seven friends willing to pay him an outrageous fee, Sammy’s Columbia university dream was about to go up in a puff of unrealized ambition.

…What do you think?

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