Bits and Bobs is my monthly update featuring personal tidbits and writing news.
Bits and Bobs for June…
Wow, has it been hot. Summer crashed into the year with a fiery bang, featuring temperatures in my area of 107 and thereabouts. But I’m taking it in stride, because summer means…
The writing retreat is coming! July 17, folks…that’s when the family and I (dog included) will journey up to a darling 1800 sq ft cabin near Lake Arrowhead, where I will be taking in some fresh air and letting nature inspire some book writing! By the time I post next month’s Bits and Bobs, I’ll have pics and an update for you.
If you read last month’s update, you know that I kept this trip a secret from the family for a while. I broke the news finally, and everyone’s excited about the trip. But I did keep a few surprises for them to discover (such as the fact that the cabin sports an air hockey table, a Wii, and a 60-inch flatscreen). I can’t wait!
Writing Stuff: I’ve still been full steam ahead under my other pen name, but I have been working on a surprise for my mainstream romance readers. I have a book from wayyy back that I shelved some time ago, and I’ve been working on it in secret for a re-release soon. It’s titled Once Every Spring, a swoon-worthy tale of a woman who finds herself in an alternate reality-where she and a handsome stranger are the only two people in paradise.
As for Always the Bride, I have that slated for some serious key-pounding during the writing retreat.
Reading Stuff:
My reading has been seriously neglected the past few months…shame on me! I get grouchy when I haven’t been able to bury myself in books for a while. So in June I finally dug my heels in and spent some time catching up with the TBR. (A fool’s errand, perhaps, because I added like nine or ten more.) I did read a book on author biz stuff, but then I took off the writer hat and tackled some fiction. I got partway through the 3rd and final installment in the Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy, Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas. I also started reading Day of the Vikings, part of the Arkane series by J.F. Penn. I was TOTALLY stoked to start reading it until I realized it was book 5 in the series…and I haven’t read the rest yet! Gonna put that on hold and start at the beginning. ::face palm::
Until next time!