Bits and Bobs for May: Confessions and Vacation Dreams

Bits and Bobs is my monthly update featuring personal tidbits and writing news.

Bits and Bobs for May…

I can’t believe that May is over and summer is here. I’ve had quite a month, between some health issues for my husband and getting some work done on writer projects.


Summertime! I’m planning a writing retreat for July, and I have a confession to make. I am an airbnb addict! Browsing vacation rentals is an obsession I can spend hours on. It’s so fun to sift through pics of the beautiful places available. After looking at absolutely ALL of them, I’ve decided on the Lake Arrowhead/Big Bear area. I went on a fun mountain writing retreat up there last summer, and I’m eager to return. Only this time, I’m planning it as a surprise trip for the whole family! (Shh, don’t tell.)  I’ve been looking at some cute rentals with enough hangout space for everyone–even Tina the wonder pup. After my husband had to deal with some unpleasant trips to ER and doctors this month, it’ll be a nice way to decompress. (He’s fine, by the way.)

My favorite spot for writing during last summer’s retreat. Can’t wait for the next one!

Shifting Allegiance-and a possible apology: I moved my mailing list to a new service, which may possibly have triggered some new subscriber messages. If you’re on my list and got a duplicate welcome letter from me out of the blue, I’m so sorry. It was a glitch that hopefully won’t happen again now that the moving dust is settling. (If you aren’t on the list yet, CLICK HERE for a free copy of my book Visions! You’ll be added to the list automatically.)


Writing Stuff: I confess I got quite a bit of writing done in May…but for another pen name. I’ll be back to work on Always the Bride soon enough, though.


Pop Sugar Reading Challenge Progress:

No progress! Ugh, it’s a month of confessions! I was on a reading blackout this month in order to get the above mentioned writing work done. Oh, the withdrawals I’ve suffered from not cracking open all those lovely TBR’s sitting on my Kindle, including a few that I’d been waiting and waiting for release dates on. I’ll have to play catch up soon.

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