Bits and Bobs for November: NaNoWriMo, Holiday Time, Games On

Bits and Bobs is my monthly update featuring personal tidbits and writing news.

Bits and Bobs for November…

When I sit down to do these updates, I like to look at the previous month. Last time, I was talking about being sick. A month later, it’s been one bug after the other. I’ve got a rather unique way to deal with this that I’ll talk about. Here’s what else has been happening…



November is National Novel Writing Month. This is a time when all kinds of people attempt to write a novel in 30 days (or 50,000 words). I’ve participated for 11 of the past 12 years, and I’m proud to say that I’ve “won” the challenge yet again! I crossed the 50k finish line on Day 16 and continued in my efforts to complete the rest of the first draft before November 30.

This year’s NaNo book is a shifter romance for my alter ego pen name (steamy paranormal romance). Then I’ll dive back into rewrites on Always the Bride, which I set aside during the final week of October in order to prep and write Kiss of the Dragon.


Holiday Time

It’s hard to believe that it’s this time of year again, but I’ve already been burning up the online shopping carts. Our mailman is probably already worn out on deliveries. (I’m a firm believer in online shopping, for this time of year especially. I spent “Black Friday” in front of the computer rather than braving crowds and long lines.)


Normally, the weekend after Thanksgiving is when we put up our holiday decor. After some discussion about Tina the wonder pup, we decided to scale back this year. The tree, with its delectable flocking, glitter and pine-cone splendor, remains in its box in the garage. Stockings are not hung on our stair bannister with care, lest nosy puppies realize that they’re there. (And chew, tug, etc.)

Despite the reduction in trimmings, we’re excited to have Tina’s first Christmas, and gifts are already squirreled away in my closet along with the haul for our daughter.


Image courtesy

Games On

I mentioned that it seems I’ve been sick for a while. When that happens, I can usually pinpoint stress as a primary culprit.  Before the holidays get started in earnest, it’s time for some serious de-stressing! Not to mention before my annual schedule/productivity planning (and I’ve already asked Santa for a nifty planner I can’t wait to get: it’s the Panda Planner Coloring Book Planner HERE).

So how do I manage this feat of de-stressing? One of my favorite ways is logging some game time. I downloaded Sims 4, have dipped into Gardenscapes (a hidden object game I find surprisingly zen), and I might even pop onto Minecraft. Although that quickly becomes a time suck if I don’t watch out. I’m hoping this strategy, combined with my favorite Thai soup and some rest, will have me back in fighting trim before long.

Until next time!

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