Author: janellmichaels

My (Movie) Review of Disney’s Moana

As an avid fan of stories of all kinds, both visual and written, from time to time I offer spoiler-free reviews on my blog. Oh, Disney, you’ve done it to me again. You captured the magic of storytelling imagination with the likes of Frozen and Big Hero 6, and now…THIS. When I first heard they were doing Moana, I’d wondered whether… Read more →

Dog Day Afternoon – Snippet Sunday

It’s Snippet Sunday, when participating writers share 8-10 sentences from their work in progress! Check out more snippets from fellow authors at With the conclusion of NaNoWriMo earlier this week, I stopped daily updates/favorite lines written and resumed normal blogging….but I wanted to share another snippet from Always the Bride. A quick synopsis: Sometimes, ulterior motives can lead to true love…… Read more →

NaNo Day 29: Warm Writing Fuzzies

The National Novel Writing challenge, aka NaNoWriMo, is underway! I’ll be posting daily progress updates on Always the Bride, Book 1 of the Going to the Altar series! Day 29 Most of my work was on some non-Nano short stories that technically don’t count toward my official tally. But it still makes me feel warm and fuzzy for having accomplished That Writing… Read more →

NaNo Day 28: Rainy Days and Mondays

The National Novel Writing challenge, aka NaNoWriMo, is underway! I’ll be posting daily progress updates on Always the Bride, Book 1 of the Going to the Altar series! Day 28 Weird that Day 26 never posted. I wrote it and could swear I published it, but there’s not even a draft in my post folder. Then yesterday’s snippet was scheduled for midnight… Read more →