NaNo Day 28: Rainy Days and Mondays

nano_16_winnerThe National Novel Writing challenge, aka NaNoWriMo, is underway! I’ll be posting daily progress updates on Always the Bride, Book 1 of the Going to the Altar series!

Day 28

Weird that Day 26 never posted. I wrote it and could swear I published it, but there’s not even a draft in my post folder. Then yesterday’s snippet was scheduled for midnight and failed to auto-post, had to go in and publish it late morning.  Is WordPress having trouble keeping up with my NaNo shenanigans? (or is that shenanogans?)

Anyway, after a rainy 3-day holiday weekend, it’s back to homeschool lessons for my daughter and the day job for me, but not before getting in some word count on Always the Bride!

My favorite line written:

“You’ve got a devious mind.”

“I’m a personal assistant. It’s part of the job.”


My progress:

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