Category: NaNoWriMo

Bits and Bobs November 2019: National Novel Writing Month Returns!

Bits and Bobs is my monthly update featuring personal tidbits and writing news. Bits and Bobs for November 2019… Hello! Time has flown since my last post here, and I thought an update was long overdue. Here’s the latest from the California high desert: Personal News Fall has arrived on the heels of a bustling summer. We successfully transplanted my… Read more →

Welcome NaNo Blog Hoppers!

For those of you who followed me here as part of the NaNo hop, I’m excited to connect with you! I’ve seen so many great blogs and #NaNoWriMo projects over the past couple weeks. I’m eager to get to know more about you and your work. I am mostly finished with follows, but I confess I lost my place a… Read more →

NaNo Day 28: Rainy Days and Mondays

The National Novel Writing challenge, aka NaNoWriMo, is underway! I’ll be posting daily progress updates on Always the Bride, Book 1 of the Going to the Altar series! Day 28 Weird that Day 26 never posted. I wrote it and could swear I published it, but there’s not even a draft in my post folder. Then yesterday’s snippet was scheduled for midnight… Read more →

NaNo Day 27: Wasted Opportunities -Snippet Sunday

It’s Snippet Sunday, NaNo style! Check out snippets of other works in progress from fellow authors at NaNo Day 27 Today I’m sharing a bit more from Always the Bride. Synopsis: Sometimes, ulterior motives can lead to true love… Helping with her boss’s wedding plans is the last thing recently jilted bride Elizabeth needs while she’s hiding away to… Read more →