Author: janellmichaels

I Almost Married Her -Snippet Sunday

It’s Snippet Sunday, when participating writers share 8-10 sentences from their work in progress! Check out more snippets from fellow authors at I’ve moved on from Visions, which I’m excited to say is currently in soft launch and will be officially announced shortly. Moving on this week, I’ve turned my attention back to Always the Bride, my NaNoWriMo project that… Read more →

Review of Storks (Movie)

My husband and I have a weekly date day, which often spills over into family time. And quite often, our date consists of indulging one of our biggest obsessions: movies. This week, we settled in to watch Storks, which we expected to be a bit of mindless entertainment. We hadn’t expected it to be a hilariously fun afternoon. Just like… Read more →

Fine is a Relative Term -Snippet Sunday

It’s Snippet Sunday, when participating writers share 8-10 sentences from their work in progress! Check out more snippets from fellow authors at I’m alternating snippets between here and the blog for my *other pen name.* Okay, *one* more snippet from Visions. The special extended revision is finished and prepped to go out to my arc readers. A quick synopsis… Read more →

Meeting the Press -Snippet Sunday

It’s Snippet Sunday, when participating writers share 8-10 sentences from their work in progress! Check out more snippets from fellow authors at I’m alternating snippets between here and the blog for my *other pen name.* This might be the final snippet from Visions, my very first novel which will soon be relaunched. Maybe one more, we’ll see, but it’s… Read more →

Bits and Bobs for February 2017

Bits and Bobs is my monthly update featuring personal tidbits and writing news.   Bits and Bobs for February… February has been an interesting blend of frenzied productivity coupled with copious down time. I may have been a bit overzealous about the rapid timeline for various book projects on this year’s production calendar, but things are moving ahead. I’ve mostly been working on stuff… Read more →