NaNo Day 22: Family Fun, Flicks, and Writing Forays

nanowrimo_2016_webbadge_participant-200The National Novel Writing challenge, aka NaNoWriMo, is underway! I’ll be posting daily progress updates on Always the Bride, Book 1 of the Going to the Altar series!

Day 22

Well, somehow I managed to just skip through yesterday and TOTALLY forget to post my update. That’s because I was so focused on my writing, so it was for a good cause. We’re getting there, folks…the excitement is building!  I have crossed the 46k mark, less than 4k to go before I can declare my 10th NaNo a win!   On the personal side, since I’ll be working “the other job” on Thanksgiving this week, I took today off for a special family outing to go see a holiday flick and enjoy some time together.


My favorite line written:

“He wasn’t supposed to want her. They shouldn’t get along so naturally, like the peanut butter in each other’s jelly sandwich.”

My progress:

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