NaNo Day 20: Bad Call-Snippet Sunday

warriors-logo-revisedIt’s Snippet Sunday, NaNo style! Check out snippets of other works in progress from fellow authors at

NaNo Day 20

Just about 3 full weeks in and I’ve crossed the 40k mark. Time for the final race to the finish! Today I’ll share a bit more from Always the Bride. Synopsis:

Sometimes, ulterior motives can lead to true love…

Helping with her boss’s wedding plans is the last thing recently jilted bride Elizabeth needs while she’s hiding away to lick her wounds. Handsome photographer Grant might lure her heart out of seclusion-but can he be trusted? His motives for wooing the stubborn beauty involve her ex-fiancee’s revenge…and if he succeeds, the reward will fund college tuition for his troubled little sister. How can they get to I Do’s when Grant’s plan involves leaving her at the altar? Or has his plan-and his heart-changed?

Last week, Lizzie was busy making confetti out of photos of her ex. But since we spent the first half of NaNo meeting the heroine, I thought it only fair that we should meet the hero in the last half. Our introduction has been edited for length to fit the snippet format.

Let’s meet Grant, who’s trying to steer his life in one direction, but it’s about to be yanked in another:


Shutting down his wedding photography service had been one of the most satisfying things Grant had done of late, not that the list was all that impressive. No more brides with stars in their eyes and fangs in their mouths. No more grousing fathers who didn’t blink at the exorbitant alcohol bill, but couldn’t bring themselves to write a reasonable check for memories that would last long beyond the reception hangover.

His cell phone buzzed with a photo he’d taken of his little sister, back when Samantha had been thirteen and smiles had still come easy.

“What’s up, Sammy?”

“It’s not Sammy, it’s Anna,” a flat, somber voice replied…Sammy’s best friend.

He gripped the phone tighter. “Anna, what’s wrong?”

“I told her not to, but there was this party…and she insisted on driving home. You’d better come.”



…What did you think?

My NaNo progress:

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